After Dakness… Light!

Name: Philippe

Place: Jersey City. (For now)

Indulgence: My Passport, Air Plane Tickets, Haagen Dasz (Run Raisin), Pomegranate (The Fruit), Crosswords on the Subway, Digital Camera, My PC / Laptop.

Interests: Photography, Urban Planning, Green Technology, Architecture, Africa (West Africa), Languages & Cultures, World Politics,  Arts in all its various expressions

Bio: Haitian born enfant terrible with an axe to grind. Hate hypocrisy. Fiercely political. Wear my African heritage on my sleeves. Makes no apology for my biases nor do I care to convince others to see things my way.

Other than that, I pretty laid back easy-going with a laisser faire attitude towards others and in my world view. I enjoy a good laugh especially at my own expense. I value and cherish my family and friends . I am civil, respectful, and kind toward other human beings. I believe in making the life one has comfortable to suit one’s  being and one’s own peace of mind. I do not belief that one should live the life prescribed to you. Blaze your own path however you see fit.

My Personal Motto is this: “Society asks many things of you but gives you next to none in return”. Now one can go crazy trying to conform to the box assigned to you or you can choose to truly live and create your own frame.

Of course communal dining, good conversation and good wine with friend brings me joy. Deep vocal house music makes happy. Haitian rasin music and folklore make me nostalgic of the Haiti I have once known and I yearn that country back. Perhaps I may never see that happens, at least I remain hopeful for the best.

Love the world that I live in and if I ever have the financial means, I would be the ultimate vagabond. I would experience living in as many countries as my life span would allow me.

Enough about me.

Peace to us all!


3 Comment(s)

  1. Cluny

    January 20, 2008 at 10:16 am

    Pictures look great! The beach and city pic of the young girl are so vivid. West Africa is alive and well and compels me to want to leave and simply take refuge on the continent, but there are so many beautiful places,. I would not know which one to call “home” because, for certain; when I travel there I feel like I arrived home! What are you doing this summer? Let’s plan for Ghana and Senegal.

  2. Denise

    February 10, 2008 at 6:23 pm

    Philippe, I love the blog! Though I haven’t seen you in a really long time, reading about your adventures and your astute observations have made my day. I’m inspired. The pictures are amazing and I would love to read more of your impressions about Africa, NYC, society, the world. Just so you know, this is the first time I’ve actually commented on someone’s blog, though I have several friends who are blogisphere mavericks. Keep it going babe.

  3. Mckinney

    June 6, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    Philippe, I love the blog! Though I haven’t seen you in a really long time, reading about your adventures and your astute observations have made my day. I’m inspired. The pictures are amazing and I would love to read more of your impressions about Africa, NYC, society, the world. Just so you know, this is the first time I’ve actually commented on someone’s blog, though I have several friends who are blogisphere mavericks. Keep it going babe.Love,Denise

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