After Dakness… Light!

Category Archives: Muslim Americans

Wow who would have thought that the President of the USA would have made such an insightful and rightfully so a video message  for Ramadan, one of the holiest of holidays in the Muslim World.  Muslim Americans are a growing and diverse population of this nation. Besides there are Billions of Muslims in the world towards whom, we Americans have not being kind post September 11, 2001.  It is due time to set a tone of atonement for past mistakes and forge henceforth a respectful and dignified relationship with Muslims of this world. In Barak Obama, I believe, we not only stand a chance but have the perfect man in the leadership.

Bravo Professor President Obama…

First Oprah teaches Americans to pick up a book and read. Now our president is the Professor in Chief. From his rudimentary speech on race in the wake of Jeremiah Wright episodes during the presidenticial campaign of 2008 to his Inaugural Address last February 20, 2009, this president strives in tapping and inspiring the best in our heart and inciting our intellectual prowess and capacity to be better.

And I love it!

He frustrates the heck out me in his pragmatic and even-keel ways. I wish he could be a disciplinarian when circumstances call for and set straight those whose agenda is to see him fails.  That being said, I still thank the heavens for him in the wake for the last regime that played on and benefited from  the worse of  fears and barbaric ways.

wa Alaykum as Salaam!