After Dakness… Light!

Category Archives: US Senators

Well said Mr. Blow. I do not understand for the life of me all this needs for bipartisanship when the majority of Americans are for comprehensive health care reform. Instead you have Harry Reid handing over to Max Baucus the task of drafting a health care bill. Max Baucus and his gang of six are members of the Senate Finance Committee. Why are bean counters the ones writing a HEALTH CARE bill?

Perhaps I am slow in comprehension, but should the Senate Health Committee be the one in charge of this bill. Do they have Health Committee in the Senate or is this just wishful thinking on my part?

I understands it takes more than the President to enact laws. That is the constitutional power of the Congress. I do agree with you Mr. Blow that President Obama needs to channel his message of the Urgency of Now and backs it up with major COJONES.

But at issue, I believe, is the mis-signals coming from the White House. One from Rham’s office, he who could careless about what the American people wants and the other from the oval office that is meek and definitely play second fiddle to Rham Emmanuel’s in the Hall of Congress. Especially with the so called Blue Democrats, Moderate Republicans who too could give a damn what their constituency wants and needs and play to the beat of their powerful and rich lobbyists on K Street

That is why you have Queen Olympia Snowe and King Baucus being worship as the Monach Gods that they have become. I am sick of this and impatient does not even to begin to express my frustration. That is it ! Now I want UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE for ALL!

Mr. Charles Blow wrote a poignant Op-Ed for the New York Times.  I understand and respect his niceness and professionalism as a respect and thoughtful Op Ed Columnist. However I think he missed one particular Culprit flying under the radar that I think should be exposed and taken to task. Senator Harry Reid of Nevada!

Below is my reaction to Mr. Blow’s peice.

The real culprit here is Harry Reid! the Democratic Senate Majority leader from Nevada. No matter what permeates in the passing or failure of the Health Care Reform. Spineless Harry Reid needs to go.

He is the one who anointed  Rep. Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa as Deal Maker / Breaker on this issue. The Democrats has a majority in the Senate and Harry Reid appointed a panel of 3 Republicans and 3 Democrats to take the leadership in driving a Health Care bill in the Senate. That just makes no sense!

I bet you no Republican would dare do such a thing.

At times I truly wonder if the words of Rush Limbaugh are manifesting in the action of certain Democrats in both Houses of Congress.

They want Obama to fail!
